Repository Info

This API provides information about a specific repository. It allows for glob syntax search of configuration files, and context definition.

  • API URL (with token): https://confighub-api/rest/info
  • API URL (no token): https://confighub-api/rest/info/<account>/<repository>


  • All data returned is in JSON format.
  • All dates are expected and returned in ISO 8601 format (UTC): YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
  • All parameters are passed through HTTP header fields.
  • Method: GET


curl -i      \
     -H "Client-Token: <token>"                  \
     -H "Repository-Date: <ISO 8601 date (UTC)>" \
     -H "Tag: <repo tag>"                        \
     -H "Client-Version: v1.5"                   \
     -H "Files: true/false"                      \
     -H "Files-Glob: <glob expression>"          \
     -H "Context-Elements: true/false"           \
     -H "Context-Labels: <comma delimited list>" \
     -H "Pretty: true/false"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2016 18:12:33 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 483
Server: TomEE
   "account": "ConfigHub",
   "repository": "HowItWorks",
   "generatedOn": "11/16/2016 18:12:33",
   "context": [ "Environment", "Application" ],
      "Environment": [ "Production", "Development" ],
      "Application": [ "Analytics", "Collector", "WebDashboard" ]
   "files": [
         "name": "nginx2.conf",
         "path": "nginx/nginx2.conf",
         "lastModified": 1479260284272

Request Headers


Client token identifies a specific repository. This field is not required if the account and repository are specified as part of the URL.


ISO 8601 date format (UTC) YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ lets you specify a point in time for which to pull repository information. If not specified, latest information is returned.


Name of the defined tag. Returned information is for a point in time as specified by the tag. If both Tag and Repository-Date headers are specified, Repository-Date is only used if the tag is no longer available.


Version of the client API. If not specified, ConfigHub assumes the latest version. Even through this is not a required parameter, you are encouraged to specify a version.


Boolean flag to indicate if all files should be returned. If Files-Glob header is specified, this flag is ignored and treated true by default.


Enables glob expressions while searching for files over their path and name.


Boolean flag to indicate if all context elements should be returned. If Context-Labels header is specified, this flag is ignored and treated true by default.


Limit context elements returned by the list of context labels. Comma delimited list of context labels.


If value is true, returned JSON is ‘pretty’ - formatted.