
System requirements

The ConfigHub server application has the following prerequisites:

  • Some modern Linux distribution (Debian Linux, Ubuntu Linux, or CentOS recommended)
  • MySQL 5 or PostgreSQL 9 or later (latest stable version is recommended)
  • Oracle Java SE 8 or later (latest stable update is recommended)

Download and install

  • Download and install Java8 to your localhost. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to Java’s bin directory:

    export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java8/bin
  • Download the latest version of ConfigHub:

  • Uncompress the downloaded file:

    tar -xzvf confighub-<version>.tar.gz

ConfigHub service configuration

There are two configuration sections:
  1. Database connections
  2. Server configuration
  • Database connections

Database connections are configured in confighub-<version>/server/conf/tomee.xml file. ConfigHub uses 2 databases, one for storage of all repository and user related data, and the other for the storage of all client API requests.

As of version v1.6, ConfigHub supports MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. Here’s an example of a database configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <Resource id="ConfigHubMainDS" type="DataSource">
        JdbcDriver = org.postgresql.Driver
        JdbcUrl = jdbc:postgresql://
        UserName = username
        Password = password

        JtaManaged = false
        initialSize = 20
        maxActive = 100
        maxIdle = 50
        maxWaitTime = 3 seconds
        minEvictableIdleTime = 3 seconds
        numTestsPerEvictionRun = 30

    <Resource id="ConfigHubApiRequestsDS" type="DataSource">
        JdbcDriver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
        JdbcUrl = jdbc:mysql://
        UserName = username
        Password = password

        JtaManaged = false
        initialSize = 20
        maxActive = 50
        maxIdle = 50
        maxWaitTime = 3 seconds
        minEvictableIdleTime = 3 seconds
        numTestsPerEvictionRun = 30


The resource IDs ConfigHubMainDS and ConfigHubApiRequestsDS as well as parameter JtaManaged = false have to remain unchanged. The rest of the datasource definition can be modified to your specific needs.


For the rest of the the optional parameters, please consult Tomee documentation

  • Server configuration

Edit the configuration file in confighub-<version> directory. Each configuration parameter has to be specified.

# Path to the location where all ConfigHub service logs are stored.
confighub.logging.path = /var/log/confighub

# Memory assigned to the ConfigHub service.  It is recommended to assign 4g or more.
confighub.memory = 4g

# HTTP and HTTPs ports
confighub.http.port = 80
confighub.https.port = 443

# Specify an override to the default self-signed certificate/keystore.
confighub.https.keystoreFile = cert/confighub_default.jks
confighub.https.keystoreAlias = confighub
confighub.https.keystorePass = confighub

Starting and stopping ConfigHub service

  • Start ConfigHub:

  • Stop ConfigHub:



If you are running ConfigHub on a reserved port (i.e. 80, and 443), use root access (or sudo).