
System requirements

The ConfigHub server application has the following prerequisites:

  • Some modern Linux distribution (Debian Linux, Ubuntu Linux, or CentOS recommended)
  • MySQL 5 or PostgreSQL 9 or later (latest stable version is recommended)
  • Oracle Java SE 8 or later (latest stable update is recommended)

Download and install

  • Download and install Java8 to your localhost. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to Java’s bin directory:

    export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java8/bin
  • Download the latest version of ConfigHub:

  • Uncompress the downloaded file:

    tar -xzvf confighub-<version>.tar.gz

ConfigHub service configuration

There are two configuration sections:
  1. Database connections
  2. Server configuration
  • Database connections

Database connection is configured in confighub-<version>/server/conf/tomee.xml file. ConfigHub uses a database for storage of all repository and user related data.

As of version v1.6, ConfigHub supports MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. Here’s an example of a database configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <Resource id="ConfigHubMainDS" type="DataSource">
        JdbcDriver = org.postgresql.Driver
        JdbcUrl = jdbc:postgresql://
        UserName = username
        Password = password

        JtaManaged = false
        validationQuery="SELECT 1"
        maxWaitTime = 2 seconds
        maxActive = 200


The resource IDs ConfigHubMainDS and the parameter JtaManaged = false have to remain unchanged. The rest of the datasource definition can be modified to your specific needs.


For the rest of the the optional parameters, please consult Tomee documentation

  • Server configuration

Edit the configuration file or confighub.bat for Windows installations in confighub-<version> directory. Each configuration parameter has to be specified.

# Memory assigned to the ConfigHub service.  It is recommended to assign 4g or more.

# HTTP and HTTPs ports
export HTTP_PORT=80
export HTTPS_PORT=443

# Path to the location where all ConfigHub service logs are stored.
export LOG_PATH=/var/log/confighub

# Specify an override to the default self-signed certificate/keystore.
export KEYSTORE_FILE=cert/confighub_default.jks
export KEYSTORE_ALIAS=confighub
export KEYSTORE_PASSWORD=confighub

Starting and stopping ConfigHub service

  • Start ConfigHub:

  • Stop ConfigHub:



If you are running ConfigHub on a reserved port (i.e. 80, and 443), use root access (or sudo).