With fully specified context, pull configuration from ConfigHub service. The JSON response may contain key-value pairs, as well as resolved files (as per request).

  • API URL (with token): https://confighub-api/rest/pull
  • API URL (no token): https://confighub-api/rest/pull/<account>/<repository>


  • All data returned is in JSON format.
  • All dates are expected and returned in ISO 8601 format (UTC): YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
  • All parameters are passed through HTTP header fields.
  • Returned data will contain resolved properties and files, unless limited by the No-Properties or No-Files flags.
  • Method: GET


curl -i https://api.confighub.com/rest/pull     \
     -H "Client-Token: <token>"                 \
     -H "Context: <context>"                    \
     -H "Application-Name: myApp"               \
     -H "Client-Version: <optional version>"    \
     -H "Tag: <optional tag label>"             \
     -H "Repository-Date: <optional repo date>"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2016 22:38:13 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 2167
Server: TomEE
  "generatedOn": "06/10/2016 22:38:13",
  "account": "ConfigHub",
  "repo": "Demo",
  "context": "Production;TimeKepper",
  "files": {
    "demo.props": {
      "content": " ... ",
      "content-type": "text/plain"
    "server.xml": {
      "content": " ... ",
      "content-type": "application/xml"
  "properties": {
    "db.host": {
      "val": "prod.mydomain.com"
    "server.http.port": {
      "val": "80"
    "db.name": {
      "val": "ProdDatabase"
    "db.user": {
      "val": "admin"

Request Headers


Client token identifies a specific repository. This field is not required if the account and repository are specified as part of the URL.


Context for the pull request has to be a fully-qualified-context (each context rank has to be specified - no wildcards). Context items are semi-colon delimited, and are ordered in order of have to be in context rank order. For example, a repository with context size of 3 levels Environment > Application > Instance could be defined as:

-H "Context:  Production;MyApp;MyAppInstance "


ISO 8601 date format (UTC) YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ lets you specify a point in time for which to pull configuration. If not specified, latest configuration is returned.


Name of the defined tag. Returned configuration is for a point in time as specified by the tag. If both Tag and Repository-Date headers are specified, Repository-Date is only used if the tag is no longer available.


If a repository is enabled for and uses Security-Profiles (SP) with encryption, choose any of several ways to decrypt resolved property values.

  1. Server-Side decryption by providing SP name(s) and password(s): - Token is created that specifies SP name/password pairs; - SP name/password pairs are specified using this request parameter.
  2. Client-Side decryption is also available by: - Use of ConfigHub API in a selected language come functionality for local decryption; - A client can implement its own decryption;

Security-Profile-Auth uses JSON format: {'Security-Profile_1':'password', 'Security-Profile_2':'password',...}


Version of the client API. If not specified, ConfigHub assumes the latest version. Even through this is not a required parameter, you are encouraged to specify a version.


This field helps you identify application or a client pulling configuration. Visible in Pull Request tab.


If value is true response includes comments for property keys.


If value is true response includes context of resolved property values.


If value is true, returned JSON is ‘pretty’ - formatted.


If value is true key-value pairs are not returned. This is useful if you are only interested in pulling files, and want to make transaction more efficient.


If value is true resolved files are not returned. This is useful if you are only interested in pulling properties, and want to make transaction more efficient.