
All API transactions between the client and the ConfigHub service are made using HTTPs secure protocol. Private installation can be configured to also use HTTP (non-secure) protocol, but then risk in-flight security breach.

Security groups

Security Group is an abstract wrapper to which properties and/or files may be assigned. Security Group is password protected, so any modification of the data contained in them requires authentication before the change is allowed.

In addition to a password challenge, security group may also be defined with Encryption enabled using one of several provided cyphers. If enabled, content assigned to a security group will, in addition to being password protected, be encrypted, using the selected cypher and the security group’s password.


Securing files and properties

Once the security group is created, you can add any number of properties and files to it. To assign an existing property to a security group, you need to add a security group to the key.

Assignment to a property


Assignment to a file
