With fully specified context, pull a specific file from ConfigHub service. The response contains raw, resolved configuration file

  • API URL (with token): https://confighub-api/rest/rawFile
  • API URL (no token): https://confighub-api/rest/rawFile/<account>/<repository>


  • All data returned is in JSON format.
  • All dates are expected and returned in ISO 8601 format (UTC): YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
    • All parameters are passed through HTTP header fields.
    • Returned data is the content of the resolved file.
    • Method: GET


curl -i https://api.confighub.com/rest/rawFile  \
     -H "Client-Token: <token>"                 \
     -H "Context: <context>"                    \
     -H "File: <absolute path>"                 \
     -H "Application-Name: myApp"               \
     -H "Client-Version: <optional version>"    \
     -H "Tag: <optional tag label>"             \
     -H "Repository-Date: <optional repo date>"

Request Headers


Client token identifies a specific repository. This field is not required if the account and repository are specified as part of the URL.


Context for the pull request has to be a fully-qualified-context (each context rank has to be specified - no wildcards). Context items are semi-colon delimited, and are ordered in order of have to be in context rank order. For example, a repository with context size of 3 levels Environment > Application > Instance could be defined as:

-H "Context:  Production;MyApp;MyAppInstance "


ISO 8601 date format (UTC) YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ lets you specify a point in time for which to pull configuration. If not specified, latest configuration is returned.


Name of the defined tag. Returned configuration is for a point in time as specified by the tag. If both Tag and Repository-Date headers are specified, Repository-Date is only used if the tag is no longer available.


If a repository is enabled for and uses Security-Profiles (SP) with encryption, choose any of several ways to decrypt resolved property values.

  1. Server-Side decryption by providing SP name(s) and password(s): - Token is created that specifies SP name/password pairs; - SP name/password pairs are specified using this request parameter.
  2. Client-Side decryption is also available by: - Use of ConfigHub API in a selected language come functionality for local decryption; - A client can implement its own decryption;

Security-Profile-Auth uses JSON format: {'Security-Profile_1':'password', 'Security-Profile_2':'password',...}


Version of the client API. If not specified, ConfigHub assumes the latest version. Even through this is not a required parameter, you are encouraged to specify a version.


This field helps you identify application or a client pulling configuration. Visible in Pull Request tab.